
miércoles, 24 de julio de 2013 - EEUU - 24 de Julio de 2013

Commissioners adopt smoke-free, tobacco-free policy for county owned properties

From Kelly Hand, PIO and Vol­un­teer Coor­di­na­tor Mor­row County Health Department -

If you are a tobacco user pay­ing your taxes, keep­ing an appoint­ment with your pro­ba­tion offi­cer, serv­ing jury duty or get­ting a title for a new vehi­cle in Mor­row County, are sure you put out your cig­a­rette and before you get on county property.

Mor­row County Com­mis­sion­ers have adopted a smoke-free, tobacco-free cam­pus pol­icy which pro­hibits smok­ing (includ­ing elec­tronic cig­a­rettes) or smoke­less tobacco use on county prop­erty. The pur­pose of this pol­icy is to pro­vide for and pro­mote the health, safety and wel­fare for of every­one who enters Mor­row County property.

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