
martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013 - 18 de noviembre de 2013 - Rusia

Is there death without tobacco?

It starts for real today. Of course, those willing will find a way to smoke. For the first time in a long time, there is a really strict legal approach to smokers that restricts their freedom of smoking. Will the "suffering" yield results? The experts have calculated everything, and here are the conclusions.

Russia currently holds the sad first place in Europe in terms of the number of smoking citizens. 60.2 % of men and 21.7 % of Russian women are smokers. According to the World Lung Foundation, cigarette consumption in Russia is at the level of 2,768 cigarettes per person per year, the highest rate in the world. Every year, 300,000 Russians die from the diseases caused by the consequences of smoking. Experts say that quitting smoking will prevent 3.7 million deaths in Russia in the next 40 years.

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