
martes, 8 de octubre de 2013 - 8 de octubre de 2013 - Europa

 'A shameful day for the European Parliament': MEPs bow to tobacco lobbying pressure and scale back cigarette sale restriction plans

Members of the European Parliament bowed to intense tobacco industry lobbing and scaled back ambitious proposals to restrict the sale and promotion of cigarettes across Europe.

MEPs rejected proposals to ban so called ‘slim’ cigarettes that are particularly attractive to young smokers and also voted to phase out menthol cigarettes over eight years rather than three.

They also backed away from ambitious plans to increase the combined picture and health warnings on cigarette packs to 75 per cent – agreeing instead to the 65 per cent figure suggested by the industry.

The current requirement for health warnings is for 30 per cent minimum coverage on one side and 40 per cent on the other.

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