
miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2013 - 4 de septiembre de 2013 - EEUU

Agile Health Combats the Smokeless Tobacco Epidemic with an Updated Kick Buts Initiative

In an attempt to help those trying to kick the smokeless tobacco habit, Agile Health has released a new version of its Kick Buts Smoking Cessation program in order to assist employees and covered beneficiaries in this difficult personal wellness mission. Agile Health is a mobile healthcare engagement solutions company, and their latest adaptation of their program features the success of the STOMP Health Message Engine. Having successful trials in both New Zealand and the UK, helping the Cochrane Library to ascertain that mobile cessation programs do in fact work as a means of support, the program not only is supported, but it produces results.

Much to national avail, the number of smokeless tobacco users is reported at over 8.2 million people in the U.S, though this number is not shared as widely as it should be since smoking takes the priority in the public eye, with the highest number of users coming from the state of Virginia. The demographic for this smokeless product seems to be younger male buyers, and this demographic also aligns with the messaging programs demographic, posing this as the possible best solution in order to illicit some kind of industry change.

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